"Habari ako!" from behind the desk. I got up early, put on my favorite ball cap, passed on breakfast and set out to find an internet connection. In both our apartment and the lounge area, I could not connect so I am sitting behind the reception desk of the Hampton typing to you now.
I thought you might like to see a few pictures of where we live. Our apartment is small but nice and Eunice comes everyday, except Sunday, to tiddy up. We have one bedroom so Micah sleeps on a regular length couch and Kaden sleeps between two chairs pushed together. Until my first sleepless night, I did not realize that everytime Kaden moved the chairs would split apart and his tummy would drop down between. Apparently, Kaden was sleeping so soundly he was not bothered and did not complain. Fortunately, we discovered the problem and now have his chair bed braced in the corner of the living room between the wall and Micah's couch. But don't feel sorry for Micah and Kaden. They are actually getting the best deal. If you want to know what an african bed feels like, take two clean flat sheets, put one on the floor and cover up with the other. Not exaggerating at all, the beds here are hard as rock but you can use a nice pillow. So, enjoy!
Mr. Gumby is learning to improvise in the kitchen. Can you see Paul's make shift toaster? If you look closely, Paul has set a pan on the stove, put the stove grill on top, balanced it with a large bottle of water and is cooking toast. Casie, I know that today is your birthday but I'm sorry, I will not be baking cupcakes in Africa.