Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Compassion, Spring of Hope!

     I am rejoicing as I type.  Yesterday was a fullfilling, encouraging and fun day!  For the first time since we arrived here in Africa, I did not weap in tears.  Oh, I shed a few but they were minimal and came only when I was praying for some specific children.  Our entire day was spent with the children of of "Compassion, Spring of Hope"  (just the name of the orphanage brings smile to my face).  For a year now, the Lord has had me meditating on the word "Hope" and I think I am just now understanding.  Since we have been here, I have been camping out on Romans 15:13.  Our God is a God of Hope and I think in some small way that is what I was able to do yesterday.  Bring hope.
      When we arrived, we asked if the children could come outside.  We opened the trunk of the car, began pulling out soccer balls and let the games begin.  I tried to keep up and was able to get a kick in here and there but the older the boy the less my chance.  :)   Eventually we brought out the other gifts.  I thought it was so funny.  When we handed out the toothbrushes and toothpaste, the children yelled, "Colgate!"   and it reminded me of how we ask, "Would you like a Coke?" but we are really offering a Dr. Pepper, Coke, Diet Coke, ect. 
After the gifts were given, we sat down on the grass and you can see Micah and Kaden helping Paul talk to the children about hearing God and listening to their caretakers.
This little girl, Mary is her name, stole my heart.  In general the African children do not smile too much but this little girl captured my heart with her smile.  She was precious.

The little boy on the left is non-communicative and looked like he has Downs Syndrome.  The brother and sister on the right have lost their parents to HIV and they have both tested positive. 

Thank you to the Selman Family we were able to feed some more children!  I was so amazed.  For these children, this is their only meal of the day and they patiently washed their hands and stood in line for their food.  They never pushed, shoved or argued about who was first.  God multiplied the food and we had plenty!  After all the children were served, we ate with them as well and the food was hot, nutritious and tasty. 

I must go, our car is packed and everyone is waiting on me.  We are leaving the city behind, heading for the bush and will be living in a hut for the next five days.  Needless to say the stretching continues.  :)  Please pray for us, Paul will be teaching the church at large, meeting with the elders and working with some leaders.  We have been warned that this is an area of heavy witchcraft so we would appreciate the prayer convering.  May God bless you for helping us in this journey.  Love you, Danielle