From our apartment we walked to the international Rugby Seven competition being held here in Nairobi. It was so much fun. We loved watching the games! We entered the gates around 11:00 and stayed until it ended at dark. We saw teams from Kenya, France and Australia ect.
A rugby seven game consists of two seven minute halves of PURE and TOTAL ENERGY. For fourteen heart pumping, adrenaline racing minutes, the rugby players are sprinting, passing, tackling, lifting each other into the air (to block the ball), and scrumming. Believe me, absolutely no time is wasted and the players give enerything they have on the field.
From our side line seats we could hear their bodies collide. We could see their cheeks move air in and out; and you could almost feel their skin leaving their body as they slid across the ground.
The Kenyan fans here are as crazy as the Texas Aggies. They paint their bodies, wear wigs, play trumpets, bang drums and drink lots of Tusker (beer).
The weather was beautiful and the Kenyans took the title for the second year in a row. Go Kenya !!!