Monday, June 14, 2010

The FAVOR of God is overwhelming us!

Our Vice President, Joe Biden, came to town (to promote the new Constitution for Kenya) and roads were shut down.  Even worse, our internet access was cut off.  So I apologize for not being able to post. 

Karis, Happy 17th birthday!  We love you and thought about you all day.  I wish we could have connected (June 11th) and I hope you had a fun filled day.  We are so proud of the young woman you are and daddy talks about you everywhere we go. 
      With six days since my last posting, there is simply too much to tell.  So, I will recap today.  Through a couple of connections, Paul was asked if he would be willing to meet with a government official, currently working on Kenya's new constitution.  Would he be willing?  What?  We would be honored.  So, the meeting was set for this morning and the four Finch's from the small town in Weatherford met with the Minister of Justice, National Cohesion, and Constitutional Affairs for the country of Kenya.  Mr. Cheptumo is a born again Christian with an amazing testimony, which moved me to tears.  (Which is extremely easy to do these days.)  We were able to pray with Mr. Cheptumo, right there in his govermental office, and Paul was able to give him a strong word of encouragement he felt like the Lord had given him.  At the end of our meeting, Mr. Cheptumo invited us to meet his wife at her law office.  But, because we had made a commitment to visit an orphanage, we could not meet her right away but returned several hours later. 
     During both meetings, Micah and Kaden rose to the occasion.  However, I must admit, when the secretary poured tea and  I saw the steam rising from china coffee cups on saucers I was somewhat concerned.  Visions of spilled tea and burnt tongues crossed my mind.   But aside from Kaden's slight slurp, both boys were very well mannered and completely respectful.  I have been so proud of them.
     As if the opportunity to pray for Mr. and Mrs. Cheptumo was not enough, God's favor exploded and they extended to us an opportunity to travel with them and their three children to Baringo, swim in the natural hot spring geysers, see the area Mr. Cheptumo grew up and (here's the kicker) he offered Paul the opportunity to speak encouragement to the pastors in the area of Mr. Cheptumo's constituency.  Now, that's what I call extravagant favor with God and Man!   If you know Paul's love for the county of Africa, the African people, and giving words of encouragement then you know Paul's heart is exploding with excitement. 
Love to you all.  Please pray for mine and Kaden's health as we are struggling to stay well.