I suppose the three hour wait to fill out lost luggage information was worth it. Paul left early this morning and came back with all seven of our bags. With the excitement of a child at Christmas time, I opened my luggage only to discover the shampoo had exploded all over my clothes. So, my first day was spent hand washing and air drying my clothes. ( Jenn, you would have been so proud.) After hand washing, I was ready to shower. But wait, another road block. No one told me I had to turn the broiler on to generate some hot water. Paul had gone to exchange some money and set up a local phone so I called housekeeping, "How do I turn the broiler on?" I ask. Eventually someone trys to come to my aid. When housekeeping arrived, I could not get the door unlocked. Paul had locked the door behind him and my key would not unlock from the inside. Needless to say, my first day was a Challenge with a capital "C". With clean clothes and clean bodies, we arrived three hours late to the Metheney's house to celebrate with a Memorial Day dinner. We were starving and the food and fellowship were wonderful. After leaving we went grocery shopping at the local Nakumatt.