What looked liked a flimsy igloo shaped grass hut on the outside, was actually an intricately woven masterpiece. The homes were made according to the types of material available: grass, sticks, leaves and mud.
The more homes I toured, the more I appreciated the various architectural styles and talent the people exhibited building their homes.
But get this girls, had we lived in their culture, we would all want to be the FIRST wife because she hosted all the large family events, oversaw the other wives and SHE GOT THE BIGGEST HUT !
Each wife had her own kitchen, separate from her sleeping hut, and she was responsible for cooking food for herself and her children. In the evenings, the women would all cook for the husband and deliver it to his hut. If he liked your cooking the best he would invite you to stay over in his hut for the evening. I have heard it said, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." But, this takes the cake.
Now, fortunately for me, Paul is the cook in our family and here was his take on a second wife. I hope it's not because he thinks I'm high maintenance.
So, there you have it. The female works so hard over a hot fire, competing with the other wives for a night with her man; and should she get to stay in his hut, she will be sleeping next to the cattle corral. An African man always wants his hut next to his most prized possession, his cattle. How's that for some romantic aroma therapy?
When boys become teenagers, they are sent to their own hut and female teenagers are sent to their grandmother. (Some of you might be thinking that sounds like a pretty good idea.)
As we were finishing our tour, I found a house, under construction, I thought I could settle for, assuming Paul would help me plant beautiful gardens all the way around. What are your thoughts? As you sleep comfortably tonight, be grateful for your running water, electricity, soft beds and climate controlled temperatures. :) :)