I realize that it is 1:46 am your time but Judy Montgomery told me before we left that if we ran into any concern to pray, "Lord, wake up the intercessors." Not to be too alarming, but Kaden said last night that his chest felt constricted and this morning he is coughing. Out of all the medicine we brought, we forgot the Albuterol and /Xopenex. Aaaaggghhh..... Please pray that Kaden's chest opens up and the coughing ceases. Meantime, we have him in a warm, steamy shower. Timo, our driver, is on the way and Paul will be going to the Chemist (Pharmacist) to evaluate our options. The Africans build fires here everywhere so I assume that is the problem.
Note: We are scheduled to be leaving in 15 minutes to go to an orphanage of children whose parents have all died from aids. We were asked to come and pray for the children as it seems so many of them struggle with HOPE. Ha, if the enemy meant to deter us, now you all can pray for both. Thank you, Danielle