Monday, June 7, 2010

Hosanna Church in the Pipeline

Saturday night the clouds opened up, the rains came down and the alleyways into the Pipeline were two feet deep in mud.  Sunday was finally here, I was wearing my new pink skirt and I was scared to pieces  that we were going to get stuck in the mud.  Just imagine driving down narrow, shop filled alleyways in a small four door Toyota with people walking past you continually staring in your windows.  It is obvious you are the foreigner and it can be quite unsettling (regardless of the fact that we were on our way to worship).  Timo did an excellent job navigating the mud and we arrived safely and on time.  After parking, we walked a short distance into the church and they had buckets of water in which we could wash our shoes off. 
     After worship, Peter, an elder in the Hosanna church, gave a great scriptural message on relating to the Lord as our daddy and not some supreme being that we cannot relate to.  Secondly, I shared my flower story of God's extravagant blessing and how it is out of relationship that the Lord meets our individual needs.  Lastly, Paul preached on relationship versus religion and the blessing of relationship.  Needless to say, the Lord choreographed it all and the service flowed with continuity.  As you can see from the pictures, Pastor Garrishon allowed for a time of prayer and we were able to pray for quite a few physical ailments, job needs, a new marriage, ect.   We were so blessed and we received a lot of encouraging feedback from the people.  For me, the most rewarding part was hearing two different people make application to the teaching in their own lives and hearing one lady give testimony to the entire church that the pain she had been experiencing was gone after Paul had prayed for her. 
     Micah and Kaden jumped right in to the Sunday school there.  It seems like the children always gravitate toward Micah and within minutes they have some game they are trying to play.  If you look in the far left corner on the back row, you will see the boys sitting in Sunday school with Pastor Garrishon's wife Esther.

When it was time to go, I quickly snapped this picture of Micah and one of the little boys. 
The little boy was sharing his life and his neighborhood with Micah and I thought it was absolutely precious.